Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pasta and Clams

The local market was full of fresh clams and the result is pictured above. Some Chorizo Iberico and some salt pork cubes were rendered and reserved.  Into a clean pot went olive oil, onions and garlic until they were fragrant.  Next in was some halved grape tomatoes, white wine and the clams and just a bit of sea salt.  The pot was covered and the clams steamed for just a couple of minutes.  A tablespoon of butter was the last addition and the pot was gently shaken until the butter melted and was incorporated. 

Some fresh linguine went into the center of the pasta bowl, the clams were arranged around the edges and broth and tomatoes were ladled into the center.  The chorizo and salt pork was scattered over the top along with some chopped parsley. Country bread smeared with olive oil was toasted and topped with a touch of sea salt to accompany.  Good meal.

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