Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Victim of Love

There was a new shipment of wine from Michel Schlumberger in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma County, California.  One of the wines was the 2008 Faux Pas red wine, a mixture of equal parts cabernet sauvignon and syrah.   With apologies to the 70's group the Eagles this wine was a Victim of Love, a song from their Hotel California album.  It was a victim because it had to share it's time and space and food with the Clarnedon Hills Astralis discussed below, and that was a wine I loved.

It's unfair to make a comparison and very unfair to even attempt to judge Faux Pas since this was certainly not a level playing field.  Nevertheless we did manage to drink about half the bottle.  There is more of this wine so I'll let it rest for a few months and try it again.  Judgement reserved.

$40 and 14.5% alcohol.

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