Monday, September 14, 2015

Summer into Autumn

The bike path along the river
The resident Gordon Setter and I were out early again this morning and it required a substantial change in plans.  A light jacket was needed as the temperature was 46 degrees (7 degrees c).  After a very hot and humid period last week this was pure joy.  The water along the Great Miami river was warmer than the air so the fog and mist created some beautiful sights

A Great Blue Heron
There were a number of waterfowl next to or in the river;  mallards, Canada Geese, a couple of river gulls and a kingfisher were spotted.  Add in the sound of the numerous woodpeckers pecking and it made for a nice walk.  One of the herons kept eyeing us as we walked along the shoreline and eventually decided the other side of the river was safer.  Beautiful bird.

During the hot spell we kept our morning walks between three and four miles, but this morning we did a comfortable seven and a half miles.   After the sun was more fully up in the sky the rabbits, squirrels and gophers made their appearance so the dog got much more exercise than I did.  She was still willing to play when we got home.

There was some wild caught Columbia River king salmon for dinner last night and I opened a bottle of the Lowell Marie Pinot Grigio.  It performed its assigned task of washing down the salmon and polenta squares that sat alongside.

The rive an hour after starting 

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