Thursday, April 10, 2008


An Ohio Spring is finally here and the first flowers are now out of the ground with their promises of good weather to come. Like a typical spring in this area those promises sometimes seem distant. They are predicting snow flurries for this weekend.

Bad weather likely means that the freezer will be emptied of all the braising material and something will get that treatment this weekend. I'm thinking a big pot of short ribs might be in the offing.

The dogs are busy chasing birds and squirrels. Scott made a near catch again yesterday on a tree rodent when it failed in its attempt to jump from a short tree to a larger tree. It landed on the ground but still managed to get to the trunk and safety before the jaws of death clamped on his tail. He also got involved in a soccer game with some teenagers in the neighborhood and they are thinking of making him a goalie. He had a great time chasing the ball, and given any warning at all it was hard to get the ball bye him.

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