Sunday, February 21, 2010

Con Class Rueda 2008

Dinner last night was roasted loin of rabbit with some Spanish accents so I opened the 2008 vintage of Con Class Rueda.  The last vintage I drank was 2006 and this one was very similar.  There was a lemony and floral nose, good body and acid and a great lemon citrus flavor.  The finish was nice and tart.  The wine was 12.5% alcohol and still goes for only $11.

The rabbit loins were sprinkled with salt, pepper and fresh rosemary then quickly browned in a small skillet. The skillet was then popped into a hot oven for eight minutes.  While the loins rested I de-glazed the pan with some of the white wine and a wee bit of chicken stock, stirred in some Dijon mustard, the juice from half a Meyer lemon, a very tiny pinch of saffron and small dose of pimenton (smoked Spanish paprika).  When all that reduced we added about a quarter cup of heavy cream and some thyme.  When that reduced the loin was sliced and served with the sauce.  Carrots and shallots cooked in butter with tarragon completed the dish.

The wine and rabbit were a good pairing.  By changing the spicing one could take this dish several ways in regard to the wine matching.  There were two packages of rabbit loin at the market and only one was used last night.  The other is frozen and waiting.  Maybe a white Burgundy?

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