Saturday, March 16, 2013

Warm Evening

The air temperature wasn't warm, but there was certainly some heat in dinner last night.  Calling these items spicy salmon cakes is an understatement when one mis-measures the amount of of fiery, Thai chili paste that goes in the recipe.  A tablespoon went in the mixture of salmon, peppers, lemon grass, red onion, soy sauce, fish sauce, brown sugar, cilantro and ginger instead of the requested teaspoon.  The true measure lies somewhere between those two as these cakes were quite tasty, but they were definitely spicy.  They were served with a pyramid of black rice and some spinach wilted in some sesame oil and sprinkled with a few drops of black vinegar.  The topping on the cakes is a mixture of chopped, pickled ginger, mayonnaise, lemon juice and grated fresh ginger. 

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