Saturday, November 23, 2013


It had been awhile since I fixed swordfish, but there's nothing like a new recipe and a sale to move it back to the forefront.

The inch thick steak was cut into chunks and dusted with salt and white pepper.  It went into a pan along with butter and olive oil.  The pan temperature was kept no higher than medium heat.  Much like cooking scallops, the cubes of fish were tossed and basted with the pan juices for a couple of minutes.  In went some crushed fennel seed, a tiny bit of garlic, some grated lemon peel and some red pepper flakes.  A minute later some lemon juice went in to deglaze the pan.  Add some steamed basmati rice and a few fresh fennel fronds and dinner was served. 

The fish was very fresh, sweet and little briny and the fennel added an earthy and anise touch.  The lemon juice kept things fresh.  Very good meal.

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